
Resurrection Day!

Praise the Risen Lord. Jesus Christ -crucified, dead, and sealed in a tomb. Until the third day. The reason for our being and continuing happened that day. Jesus is the Risen Lord. Conquering death. Preparing the way to eternity for those who believe in Him.

No other religion comes close. No other truth exists.

How do I know? Because He met me on a day that turned my life around. I wasn't into doing 'bad things' just ignorant of the truth of Jesus. I won't try and persuade anyone, for it wasn't reason that brought into His kingdom. I won't judge others (try not too:) who don't get it -I was there.

All I can tell you - if you want to know the truth, know God--Seek Him. He will meet you at the right time.

Fear not For He lives now and Forevermore.

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