
I been tagged! What was I doing 10,20,30 years ago?

Thanks to Pat at http://www.pattishene.blogspot.com/
I've been tagged to tell what I was doing 10, 20 and 30 years ago. Good question. And I have trouble remembering yesterday.

1o years ago - 1997 I actually was writing mostly nonficiton. Didn't get very far, but the writing bug was in me. I did write some letters to the editor that were published. My son was 16 and as the saying goes, he got his drivers license and all I saw were tail lights : ) My husband I had been married 24 years.

20 years ago - 1987 hmm gettting a little harder. This was the year my mother died- of cancer. My son was 6. we went to Hawaii. I owned a pet store. and really didn't have much time to write. I may have dabbled a little with letters to the editor. I started my first book in 1995 - still not finished.

30 years ago - 1977 - I think this was the year we bought the pet store. Didn't write - that was still a blip on my life's journey- hidden from me. I am a late bloomer- a boomer bloomer.

Well not very interesting - but it's been a good life, no complaints. I often wonder why I didn't know I wanted to be a writer. I do remember one class in high school the teacher handed out pictures and we were to write stories. I loved that and still remember them. But I guess since the books we read in school were written by people long dead- writing didn't seem to be something to do with your life. Ecxcept for journalism and I didn't want that.

So there you have it - confessions of a late but happy bloomer. : )

I am tagging Ronie Kendig http://supernaturalcraving.blogspot.com

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