
I got an IPhone!

I am finally joining the 21st century. After years of the old Star-Trek style flip phone, I now have a sleek mini computer -phone. Amazing technology. Still trying to learn what the thing can do. Finally figured out how to call and send texts.

I love it! Well, not really love, but I like it a lot. : )

I am so blessed to live in this age of technology. Now I need the discipline on how to live with it. So many blogs, so many sites to search, so many games to play. Lord teach me to use the wonders you've given me and let them be tools and not distractions from the things I am to accomplish.

New Glasses

I have new glasses. Things aren't blurry. I am in focus!
If only it were that easy. 

But maybe it is. As a writer, I have got to focus on the story that I am working on. Sounds easy, but distractions leap out at me and...well, you know. 

I guess bifocals are out. Now, theses lens are called progressive. So I have to train my eyes to look out of the right spot to see clearly. Again sounds simple. The Eye Doc even said it's the brain that has to work. 

Hmm, so it is my brain, my choice that needs to see what I need to work on. Okay brain. I will look at the lens of my things to do and train you to look through the proper site so I can accomplish what I need to do.


Writing Wednesday - A tribute to authors.

Today I thought I would write a tribute and encouragement to authors. Those brave souls that bleed on paper and write their most inner thoughts for the world to see. The scribes who pull down the stories to tell and entertain, teach, challenge and encourage readers. Books have challenged nations to change course, cultures to come to grips with their shortcoming, and individuals to better themselves. Anyone can pick up a book and say "I could write better than that." Maybe, maybe not. But those who have stuck it out and written into the late hours of the night, edited until they were cross-eyed, and carried a story to through the end. THANK YOU. The world needs authors. Now more than ever. With the e-book, thoughts and stories will circle the planet in lightning speed. Available to any with Internet access. SO to those brave scribes who have been called by the Lord - WRITE. Go after the stories HE has given you and give the world what only you can give. AS Christians, we carry the hope of the world inside us. Show it in your stories, let readers know and see the hope of Glory in your writing. NOW is the TIME.


The Happy Papillon List

Okay - so my little dog is a bit snarky.

His name is JACS. And we've had him 7 years and wouldn't trade a thing for him. But he has this habit of griping at almost everything. And the result is what I call the 'alien face'. All it takes is for you to talk about his collar.

After putting up with a face only a mother could love, I came up with an idea. The happy list. I began to tell him all the things he likes - Mocha, [his girlfirend that lives next door, a chocloate lab I might add], PetSmart, biscuits, Grandpa, balls, riding in the truck, pizza, turkey, and whatever else I could think of that he loves.

As I was doing this, I could feel the Lord tap me on the shoulder. Hmmm, I guess I can get snarky, too. So now I have my Happy Patty List.
I encourage you --when the clouds of depression sit on your head, or when the storms of a life lived with those other people on the planet threaten to flood you with negativity, or maybe when your to-do list is longer than the Bible -- to start repeating your Happy list. In fact, this sounds a lot like the verse in Philippians.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

So how does it work? Look at picture #2, taken immediately after we started the Happy Papillon List.


One Thing

One of those days when I felt so far away from God and He seemed to be even farther away from me, I cried out and asked Him to show me One Thing, just One Thing. Not really expecting an answer, I opened the Bible and it fell open to Psalms 27 and my eyes locked on Psalm 27:4 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
To say the least, my spirit was renewed.

I am fascinated with the power of the One Thing. As I look about my house and see all the chores that need to be done, and then to finish my book, and….The list goes on. Usually, I throw in the towel and surf the channels. Toooooo much to do.

And then the wisdom from The One True God seeps into my spirit and makes its way to my brain. Do one thing at a time. I can’t do it all at once, and I’m not expected to. But one thing at a time, I can knock away that list of things to do. One sentence at a time I can finish that book.

The power of the One Thing.

Check in and see what other One things I find in God's Word.


Bad Things Do Happen

AS unimagineable pictures and reports come in from the devastation in Haiti, we are faced with the fact that bad things do happen. Why? We live in a fallen world. Creation along with man fell that day when the Serpent tempted Eve and Adam and they brought sin and death into the world. The comfort comes from knowing that this life isn't all there is. We have eternity to look forward to - if you believe in Jesus. That bad things happen, whether an earthquake where possibly half a million people may have perished, or an accident or disease that takes only one, can give us reason to pause and consider that this life is set to determine eternity. Pray for the people of Haiti, that they would come to know the One True God and follow Him. That the Lord of the Harvest would send His ambassadors to welcome whomsoever into the eternal Kingdom with Him. Live with eternity in your hearts.


2010 Year of Decision

Usually I get a word for the coming year. This year - 2010 is the year of Decision. The lives of many hang in the balance - pray for hearts to turn to the One True God. The destiny of nations hang in the balance - pray for Godly wisdom and for men and women of courage. Turn into the Wind of My Spirit. Hear Me, Seek Me, Learn from Me and follow Me. Rejoice you who hunger and thirst after Me for you shall be filled and I will send you out to fill many. Prepare for the Harvest even while it is the winter months. Prepare your hearts and minds. Purify your hands and mouths. Speak My Word and deny the enemy a place. Get Ready, Prepare the instruments of the Harvest. What are the instruments of the Harvest? You - your gifts and talents. Clean them up, repair them where they are broken. Get Ready for the Great Harvest. Many will come in the hour of the Valley of Decision. Be Ready you workmen of the Lord. Be Ready to gather in the Great Harvest.