
Bad Things Do Happen

AS unimagineable pictures and reports come in from the devastation in Haiti, we are faced with the fact that bad things do happen. Why? We live in a fallen world. Creation along with man fell that day when the Serpent tempted Eve and Adam and they brought sin and death into the world. The comfort comes from knowing that this life isn't all there is. We have eternity to look forward to - if you believe in Jesus. That bad things happen, whether an earthquake where possibly half a million people may have perished, or an accident or disease that takes only one, can give us reason to pause and consider that this life is set to determine eternity. Pray for the people of Haiti, that they would come to know the One True God and follow Him. That the Lord of the Harvest would send His ambassadors to welcome whomsoever into the eternal Kingdom with Him. Live with eternity in your hearts.


Fliterary said...

I'm praying for those affected by the devestation in Haiti.

This morning on the news they showed people in Haiti singing and praising God. Joyful praising. The sight and sound was amazing. Made me pause and think, do I praise Him in the midst of my pain?

Unknown said...

Beautiful post! I am praying for them also.

audrey4j said...

I like your comments! I thought I had made connections so that I would know when someone posts a comment, but what does a non-techie know? Sorry it took me so long to reply.