
Cover Reveal in an Upside Down Life

Here's the cover for my next book, The Judge's Bride. It should be out by the end of the month. Only five months late.

Well, I just didn't figure on the double-bypass heart surgery in October. Life is that way isn't it? And that's the one thing I really took away from that ordeal.
The Sovereignty of the Lord.

James 4:15 NASB
Instead, you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that."

What do I know? I had no idea I wouldn't be able to write book 1. Book 2 was already on deadline and out in January. Ahead of book 1.  Well, that is a crazy way to do things, but life can be that crazy. It took me several months to regain my strength and writing brain. I didn't count on that either.

And as I write these stories, I find my characters dealing with unforeseen problems or roadblocks that they must work through.

Such is life. Life in all its crazy twists and turns that can blindside you and leave you wondering just how do you explain book 2 is out before book 1.  Fortunately, they are stand alone books in a series connected by place and characters.

I love life! I love it that the Lord walks with  me and guides me in all those turns. That He is the surety in an unsure world. That He gave me an awesome husband to walk alongside and help  me.

So, get ready friends. Book 1 is about to come out. I'm almost to the end an enjoying these characters and their story. Stay tuned and Lord willing, The Judge's Bride will be out the end of March.

Patricia PacJac Carroll

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Marji Laine - Faith Driven Fiction said...

Gorgeous cover! And I'm so glad you're writing is becoming more a part of your daily day again! You are such an inspiration, Amiga!

Patricia PacJac Carroll said...

Thanks Marji