I love to edit, I love to edit, I love to edit.
I love to edit!
Oh what fun! Don't ask me how I learned this, but if you change a number on your chapters at the start of the book - AND you have your book in chapter files - (chapter 1 is a file, 2 is a file ...) DO NOT renumber from the beginning. Start at the back to keep sane.
Otherwise you will find yourself with 2 chapter 13s, 14s .... and double the trouble.
AND yes, Liberty Belle is on schedule to go out in MAY 2012.
Updates coming as soon as I finish this edit.
Good news - boy have I learned a lot! And learned I have a lot more to learn. Which makes me very happy since I am confident, I will not be bored anytime soon.
Picked up my Polishing the "Pugs" book by Kathy Ide. Why oh why did I not pay attention in English? I fear my restrictive clauses are scratching my predicates.
Oh well, where is that red pen?
Try Auto Crit