1 Peter 5:8 Warns -- Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. KJV
I looked into the reason lions roar - found a few interesting tidbits. They roar to announce a contest- that is to take over a pride or claim territory. The roaring lion is not out looking for dinner. He's looking to take over. To dominate and claim territory - totally to the death if need be. So the devil is out to get us if we're not paying attention, recognizing the times. The preceding verses give us a clue on how to be of sober spirit and vigilante. Be subject one to another and clothed in humility. If a church has those who gripe and grumble, it is an invitation for the roaring lion to advance. Where there is dissension - there will be our adversary seeking to devour individuals, reputations, and churches. Be wise people. Most of all be humble. Humble yourselves under the Mighty Hand of God for He cares for us. The Word goes on to tell us to cast all our care upon Him for He cares for us. HE is the Lion of Judah. The One who will not be defeated by the roaring lion of the devil. Be not mistaken - those who are prideful in their own abilities and power are the very ones the devil seeks - because they are the ones he can destroy. Only in the safety and security of our Lord are we safe, and only by the blood of Jesus are we accepted into the pride of the Lion of Judah.